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the worst part of the online is that it is nintendo's fault. its one thing to have p2p online, but they dont just have that.

i know this because i play with my friends who live less than 5 minutes away and they have good internet connections like i do. we report exactly the same problems in exactly the same way.

first of all the wii doesnt have fast internet. thats annoying, but there are work arounds especially in such a game as smash.

second and more importantly is that it makes sure everyone is lined up. everyone has exactly the same lag. in order to do this, everyone's commands take a extra frames. so basically add 10-20 frames for every command you want to do and you have brawl online.

for anyone reasonable competitive (me and my friends) this is completely unplayable. for everyone else its dam annoying.

my pillars of gaming: kh, naughty dog, insomniac, ssb, gow, ff

i officially boycott boycotts.  crap.