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The thing is, I grew up on the PS2, so the PS3 just seems like a logical next step. The system is marketed pretty good too, with the whole media thing in one package is great.. one unit on my flat panel to play movies and play games. It sounds really cool. But there is some really good points here with the cost thing that I haven't really thought about. After I bought my PS3, I'd have motorstorm and that's about it. I could afford a new game probably every other month, with some rentals scattered around. With the Wii I could get a few of the fun games right off the bat.

I grew up on Nintendo NES/SNES and Sega, however, when the PS2 hit and had more games that I would paly on it, I snapped that up long before I got a Gamecube. I eventually did get a GC but it wasn't until the games I wanted on it were already out.

It just doesn't seem logical to have a system with no games to paly. 'nuff said.