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Yeah, the Conduit does look like a generic FPS, except for the "Eye of don't know what" thing, but it's the same for most FPS. I just recently played World at War for the Xbox360 to see how "great" this game is and as a Wii only owner what kind of games I'm missing. Well, the game is cool and all, but it's nothing extraordinary nor revolutionary. It's a generic FPS too, a very good one, but nothing that will make me buy another console.

Today's FPS are nothing compared to Goldeneye or Perfect Dark, those games make you think about your objectives and what/where to do/go. The only game that has made me feel something similar is the Metroid Prime series, and that's a FPA. FPS need something to refresh themselves, the only FPS I feel gave a step in the right direction is Elebits. Something like the Conduit mixed with the gravity weapons in Elebits could have a lot of potential.

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