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HappySqurriel said:
Demotruk said:

And...FPS games don't have good stories.


True. Good FPS's often sacrifice good plot for engagement. Most FPS plots would absolutely flop if they were original movies. However they are extremely engaging. Take Half Life for example. Everybody acts like it has a great plot, but it wouldn't be great if told in a novel or on film. Rather, it is extremely engaging. Same goes for Halo, etc.


Much like the movie Memento, the reason Half-Life's story is so great is because its presentation was so amazing at the time ... Before Half-Life storytelling in games was primarily told through the use of cut-scenes or in pages of text.


I agree except for the "at the time" comment. I think it's still the best way to experience a game story. Cutscenes and cinematics seem a step backwards to me.

A game I'm developing with some friends:

It is largely a technical exercise but feedback is appreciated.