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I don't know ...

Typically, when I see someone cutting back on their finances one area that tends to remain intact or that is expanded is inexpensive social entertainment. While people associate a lot of entertainment expenses to being luxuries, people need entertainment and social engagement almost as much as they need food and water. Basically, while people would have gotten together with their buddies to go to a football/hockey game (or to watch it at the pub) they are far more likely to each spend $10 on beer and $5 on snacks and watch it at a friends house.

Now, if there is a big increase in people spending more time at other people's houses having house parties or watching movies/sporting events there is likely going to be a massive increase in spending in home based social entertainment. What this could mean is that people who are not dedicated gamers could actually be spending more time and money playing videogames because it is dramatically cheaper than alternative forms of social entertainment ... Being that the Wii is a system which is far more focused on social gaming than the other consoles I doubt it would be the first hit.