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Let me clarify. It has low USABLE RAM. Sure, it has 256MB split between two different chips. However, that destroys how easily usable that RAM is. If it was one chip that averaged the two together, it'd be much easier to dev for. Problem is, developers have to twiddle with two different kinds of RAM that both operate MUCH differently. Developers find that as a negative thing. Looking at it from a developer's point-of-view, this is how I'd see it.

-CAPABLE of more power, much more beautiful games, and far superior AI
-Difficult to develop for
-As a result, typically won't live up to potential unless large amounts of $$$ and effort are put into development

-Less power
-Follows Nintendo tradition of being easy to develop for
-Result: Takes less effort to put out games that at least compete with PS3's offerings

Completely from a developer's standpoint - not considering potential sales whatsoever - Nintendo systems are a better choice to develop for. Nintendo puts together their systems and dev packs with the developer in mind. Competitors - of any sort - traditionally have not (at least, not to the degree Nintendo has).

Either way, right now, developers and publishers are stuck on the idea that BIGGER = BETTER. However, that's been changing slowly this generation as the Wii has been getting more and more attention.

Anyways, back on topic... Personally, I think PSWii guys are nuts. I identify more with Wii360-ers, myself (planning on purchasing an Elite once I can afford it and the hardware issues are mostly worked out (which is slowly happening as we speak).
