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I finished reading it, and I recommend you read it too.

Most of the article is not about the Wii, it's rather talking about the impact of the credit crunch on the gaming business, which may cause some projects to be cancelled and publishers to be much more cautious in what projects they finance. It also says the credit crunch will often be used as an excuse to cover the fact that some cost cuts were needed anyway.

The part regarding the Wii is not justified, he just claims that the hardcore sector will be affected later. This makes some sense (which doesn't mean it's true), but note that it doesn't mean Wii's sales will actually suffer significantly. It just means they could stop growing year-on-year, in which case they'll still be selling a lot. And of course, Nintendo always has the option of cutting the price to stimulate demand.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957