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scottie said:
@ makingmusic/Dallinor

You can pick some some examples of delayed games from any company. Even Nintendo, which has the lowest average for time between announcement and release, has some games that take ages to release. Kirby: Wii for example


Indeed you could.

We were just making a point.  Some people seem to believe that Microsoft announces all the major games for their console the same year in which they will be released.  This is for the most part not true. The only major game released on the 360 last year that was also announced last year was Gears of War 2 (similarly, Sony announced Resistance 2 and MotorStorm 2 last year, and Nintendo announced Animal Crossing).  Fable II and Banjo, however, were announced way back in 2006.  Lost Odyssey in 2005.

Nintendo is the only one of the big three that actually announces a large portion of their games close to release, and they only began this strategy a year or two back.