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There aren't too many must buys for me next year, but at the moment, the games I want look like this:


Killzone 2
Uncharted 2
Rachet & Clank Future 2
God of War III???


Little King's Story

Possibles purchases:


White Knight Chronicles
Demon's Souls (I'm actually looking forward to this more than WKC 0_o)


Kizuna (need to see more, but it certainly has potential!)
Arc Rise Fantasia

For me, the ps3 wins overall, mainly because I know the games it'll be getting will be good. The ps3 games I'm looking forward to are either from franchises I know and love (R&C, Uncharted, GoW), are games I've already played (Killzone), or are from developers I trust (InFamous). Most of the Wii titles could could go either way.