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If we are talking about review score I think it have some very good chances to go that way.Some won't agree but I think it will depend of nintendo. If they release some big guns this year its gonna be hard to win for the others with all the good third party releases on wii. Otherwise the 360 or the PS3 will "win" this year.

But I expect 2010 do be the big wii year with some huge games from nintendo like Zelda or other really big games like it did with the close release of mario galaxy, smash bros, wii fit and mario kart. If games like the conduit and deadly creatures bomb it could turn out into a very different situation though.

But the point is that most of the third party release will become multiplatform on the HD systems. Microsoft have a very poor first party staff in term of produced games quantity (almost the same as Sony and Nintendo in one year more). But of course Microsoft got money and a better instalbase to save them.
Sony have better internal studios than Microsoft but they can not really affort big exclusives and their instalbase is smaller.

If we talk about original and fresh games Nintendo will obviously have the better line up this year with games like madworld, deadly creatures, House of the dead Overkill, wii sport ressort ect.