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Khuutra said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
outlawauron said:
They must be looking looking to put another real show stopper at this year's E3.

I expect a Wii-Play 2 and Wii Fit 2. It makes the most sense.


 I find these predictions far more likely than Darthdevidemo's, or pretty much anyone who will post in this thread's predictions.


Man I don't even care. Now Iwata's gone and given me the vapors.


Let's see... What's going to happen?


IGN: Major revival of Ice Climbers coming up on E3 09. Trust us.


Wii owners: Iwata said something huge is coming!

Wii owner # 1: ZELDA!!!!

Wii onwer # 2: Pokemon MMO, DONKEY KONG REVIVAL!

Wii owner # 3: New Retro studios game!

Wii owner # 4: Kid Icarus this year!


Reality: Wii run and Wii Play 2.


Major league eruption. NINTENDO FRIGGIN HATES US!


And really, Iwata told the truth all along. But this year, everyone will hate him - not Reggie.


I don't usually say "history will repeat itself" because it's really dull, but I'll make this an exception.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS