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While I thought online would have been a good idea a few years ago, hunters showed me that it usually has to change a genre in order to have good multiplayer. (Action-Adventure>Action). Another game that seems to be mostly action to accommodate multiplayer that is in a series that was an Action-Adventure is RE5. I would say that it is hard to nail multiplayer in Action Adventure games, but I got the best ideas on how they should if they decide to next time.

1 Make the maps as big as an actual area or planet. Or may I say the actual full overworld. (Planet if it's segmented like Prime 3)

2 Incorporate other enemies besides the players in the game(metroids, space pirates).

3 Make game types that utilize adventuring features along with action features (find an item before another player does, capture the flag,). Anything where you are looking for something or someone will fit in an Adventuring game.

4 Do NOT have more than a few players. Metroid is mostly about being alone, as is tons of other Action-Adventures. Having 8 players would loose the loneliness, adventuring, and overall metroid feel. 4 seems like a good number and 6 would be pushing it.

5 When designing the multiplayer remind yourself what genre it is. It is NOT a first person shooter, but an Action-Adventure in the first person view. By doing this you would remember not to make it too action focused like games in the FPS genre(Halo, Call of Duty).

If they do most of these things then I would enjoy the multiplayer, other than that I would NOT want multiplayer and rather them focused more on the single player, or in the case of Metroid Prime 2 remake extras to the single player.