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Shadowblind said:
Phoenix_Wiight said:
Thechalkblock said:
I really hope my RE5 experience will not be hampered by the system I buy it on...


ya, its getting really sad at this point. 360 getting bonus content for multiplat games is, IMO, just plain stupid.

its not like the companies are making more money if they sell more 360 copies than PS3 copies. in reality, they're losing money cause thats less people to sell the DLC to.


maybe M$ is paying them off :o


 Perhaps its the knowledge that they will have so much more people to sell it to if they do it on 360 then PS3? Idunno =/


ya, but think of it like this.

a kid has a PS3 and wants RE5. hes not gona go get a 360 just for the DLC. even if he does, Capcom makes 0 dollars from that, other than on the DLC, which if they put on the PS3, they would have made anyway.

theyre just losing money by not making it like that. and who cares if the 360 version sells more? capcom doesnt give a crap, they just want money