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January 29, 2009

Resident Evil 5 Hidden Message on Xbox live

What the hell is that….

Ok, so I just got done getting my ass handed to me on Street Fighter 2 HD and decided to watch some Major Nelson.  This week on Majors Minute he was speaking about RE5 on Xbox Live.  Then Half way through the video this screen pops up for about 5 seconds.  At first I thought it was just a web address.  So I typed it into Firefox, nothing.  Then I thought maybe its a code on .. nope nothing… So what is it?   Of coarse RE5 comes out on 3-13-09 ..but the numbers on the shot say 013009 so what is that? Shift 5? is that a reference to Shift F5.   I don’t know, do you? Tell us what you think….

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Edit- seems if you go to and hit shift+5 it loads some flash animation and some snarling sounds.

guess we’ll have to wait until 01/30/09 - Thanks for the TIP XGRaViSmOrSX


A flash animation that says Badlands.  Wonder what it means?

When you hover over the banner at the top, it changes Resident Evil to Resident Live.  When you click, it takes you to a Resident Evil website where you move a candle around.  Not sure what this is all about.