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If you have Spybot S&D Follow these instructions (If you don't go grab it! )

Install Spybot then Run As Administrator (Vista, on XP it'll do this automatically if youre on an admin account)

Once it's open click "Mode" on the toolbar and select "Advanced"

On the left hand side select "Settings" and then "Settings" in the options in there.

This should open a set of options in the main window of Spybot, scroll down to the options topped with "Automation" and then look for "System Start"

Select "Run Program Once At Next System Start Up"

Close Spybot and restart.

When you log in next only Spybot will load, click to start a Spyware Search (Search And Destroy - Check For Problems) then click "Tools" and choose "Secure Shredder" from the list.

In Secure Shredder select "Templates" from its toolbar and "Add Files From Temp Folder" and choose the IE and Firefox templates as well.

Click the "Chop It Away" button and click back on to the main Spybot Window and select "Tools" and then "System Internals"

Choose "Check" and then "Fix Selected Problems" and choose "Delete" for all the boxes that pop up, if any.

Once The "Search and Destroy" scan has finished, click "Select All" and then "Delete Selected"

Restart after all this is done and 9/10 this should have fixed it.

Ive made this as simple and easy to follow as i can, just post again some how if it still doesn't work.

"Everything I tell you is a lie. Every question I ask you is a trick. You will find no truth in me."

WraithPriests PC:                

4GB OCZ Reaper X PC8000
GTX470 (774/1548/3900)    
nForce 780i MoBo
1.25TB HDD (1x1TB, 1x250GB)
A+ El Diablo 2 Case
Vista x64