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- Obsidian Entertainment
You took Bioware's Nwn, and seriously screwed it with Nwn2 (even with latest patch, its got frame rate issues, there are serious animation problems, game itself feels bland). Why is it Obsidian that every project Bioware passes to you guys you stuff it up in some way. GRRRR

NwN2's tehcnical shortcomings may be inexcusable, but to my understanding the narrative trumps the original just as much as Sith Lords trumped the original KotOR.

And Sith Lords has a valid excuse - LucasArts basically forced them to make the whole game in the space of about eight months. Considering that, they worked miracles.

And these are the people from Black Isle Studios. Fallout 1 & 2! Planescape: Torment! You are not allowed to hate them. Not allowed I say!