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My dislike list :p

- Sonic team
After 3 killer Sonic games on the master system and mega drive. they've run it into the ground.

- Microsoft
I love microsoft for some things (their programming tools are godly, I also like their networking environments. hence I'm a windows programmer with MCSE :p). But they suck at building hardware, its left me fearful to even buy a 360 as a impulse buy because of that worry.

- Blizzard
I want my 2 years that I spent in Wow back. Also hero units in Warcraft 3 were really a crap idea. Hurry up with diablo 3.

- Id software

Doom 3 was hard on me. I enjoyed the game but it just wasn't Doom, and as a doom fan back in the day it was hard to accept the Doom name on the box considering the gameplay.

- Sony
Sony's biggest problem for me is that they don't know when to keep their trap shut.

- Epic
Epic gave me 3 terrible experences, however 1 of those were fixed. Unreal 2. Unreal tournament 2003 (fixed with 2004). Bloody Mark.....

- Obsidian Entertainment
You took Bioware's Nwn, and seriously screwed it with Nwn2 (even with latest patch, its got frame rate issues, there are serious animation problems, game itself feels bland). Why is it Obsidian that every project Bioware passes to you guys you stuff it up in some way. GRRRR

- Developers of Starwars games.
Stop, please just stop...

- Square Enix
Final Fantasy 11... ok I loved the game but there are few things I hated and blame you square enix for. 1 is the control system, which on PC sucked, and secondly is the required grouping to level, I spent more time waiting around for groups then actually doing something.... and could you pretty please release a special edition of Final Fantasy 12 with Vaan completely omitted from the game, I hate him, I'm sick of looking at his inverted abs, he has no place in the story.