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FinalEvangelion said:
Khuutra said:
You are unfairly pigeonholing the Western audience and unfairly mischaracterizing the scope of Western developed games in the same breath. Stop it. You weaken your argument and decrease our ability to have a conversation.

Nintendo is not the same company now that they were five years ago, much less ten, much less twenty. Iwata has said that people said Brain Age could not be marketed outside of Japan: now, it looks like it may end up selling more than any game from the last generation.


No.  I'm just wishing them luck for marketing Dragon Quest.  I would love to see it become popular in the West.  There are a couple barriers.  The fact in Dragon Quest, players have to level grind alot more than other games.  Also, the Anime-designed characters don't help too much.  It's not about Nintendo, Sony, or MS for that matter.


MS tried to bring a bigger jRPG crowd in with Lost Odysse (I couldn't go through any TV program without seeing a commercial), but Cry On had to be cancelled.  I'm hoping Nintendo will have better luck  I'm sure there is more of an audience on Nintendo consoles that are willing to accept the genre than on the MS console.


Uh-oh. Now you actually had me do my research.

JRPGs, as a rule of thumb, have done better outside of Japan than in it this generation. Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, The Last Remnant, Eternal Sonata, Infinite Undiscovery, The World Ends With You/It's A Wonderful World, all the Pokemon games, every Final Fantasy... the consoles and the DS are rife with JRPGs that universally do better in the West! The only platform on which JRPGs seem to do better is the PSP, and there sales ae so low in all territories that they're almost negligible, with the biggest games (War of the Lions) doing better in the West anyway!

This paints a very different picture than the one you meant ot convey. Valkyria Chronicles and Tales of Vesperia are not examples of the rule, they are exceptions.

Westerners buy more JRPGs than the Japanese! By a lot!