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I'm not going to bother with spoiler text, the thread title already warns enough (especially since it's a discussion about the ending).

When I first finished the Ryan cut scene I was a little upset but after thinking about it I'm pretty glad about the way they did it too. He wasn't a fighter and being able to interact with him would have changed everything. It was a very memorable scene to me at least. The only thing I would have changed was the golf club model, I actually would have fired the person who made that piece of crap. I'm a shitty modeler and I can do better than that.

The events leading up to the final battle in Prometheus Point I hated. I've already mentioned many times how much I hate fetch quests and the fact you have to do one right at the end of game just made it worse. Fetch quests are perfectly acceptable in the early parts of MMO's (or maybe later if they have you going to harder areas like FFXI) but beyond that I hate them. They could have gotten much more create in ways to make me explore the city (which I did before receiving the fetch quests) and their true purpose was to just lengthen the game. That's shit and I hate it. To make that one worse you have the damn Big Daddy helmet on. The thought of becoming a Big Daddy was pretty cool but it was just so poorly implemented. The damn mask was just annoying and you really didn't do much once you become one that you couldn't do otherwise other than trick Little sisters (which I didn't know why you needed to do in the first place since even if you were going to get the harvester ending they still knew you).

The Little Sister escort part that came next could have also been cool but it was also pretty poorly implemented. I was having framerate troubles there (on the 360) so things were already pretty bad to begin with. The Little Sister was nice and easy to follow when she's walking, but she would suddenly just run off and I would fucking lose her every time. She was so small and blended in so well I could never keep track of her and the helmet didn't make it any easier. The other reason it was poorly implemented was that there was no penalty for the little sister dieing. If you're going to make me do a escort quest give me a reason to actually bother protecting my escort. The final thing that made it suck was that each little pause the little sister took was exactly the same. Splicers came from one, maybe two, directions and you just point and shoot. no real tactics. I suppose you could lay traps but why bother when they're so easy to kill and you already have 25% damage reduction?

As for the boss fight, I liked it. It would have been nice if it were harder but that's something that applies to the whole game. It was nice that they tried to make it different than just killing him until he dies by making you take away his adam but what I liked was that it was fast and there was a lot going on.

For the final cut scene, I got the evil one (which you get if you harvest at least one sister at any point in the game) which was a let down. I loved the part where the little sisters jumped out and tackled Fontaine. That part was perfectly executed in the timing and it was just genius. What I didn't like was the part after. I really didn't like how it just ended at the bomb and then returned you to the credits screen. That just really made it feel like half an ending and I actually thought my game fucked up again and I didn't get the whole ending. I watched the good ending on youtube later and it is definitely the better ending since it actually feels like it completed and doesn't make you think somethings wrong with your game.