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aher052 said:

ok so i just want to get this out....

this is my opinion on pirating

when people pirate they (the ppl i know) usually do it because they dont want to pay 100 bucks or whatever for a game. however this is not stealing IMO (and i said IMO) because if they didnt pirate then they wouldnt pay the 100 bucks any way, no matter how much they wanted the game....

so in this situation it would be either having the game pirated or not buying the game at really this helps the developer because they would usually tell all their friends about the game (ie me) and they would end up buying it. (this is how i end up buying games...through friends who have the game and advertise it to me)

This is not stealing because if they didnt pirate the game they wouldnt end up buying the game and therefore the developer or whoever is not losing out on any money anyway because they wouldnt have got the game if they had to pay for it....

but for example if someone were to pirate LBP and shared my opinion on either pirating or not paying, it would help the developer because they would pay for the other features such as MGS paintball addon pack so really the developer would get money off that...


so if you followed all my logic etc if someone were to pirate they wouldnt be stealing because if they didnt pirate they wouldnt get teh game at all....


that is my opinion and what some friends of mine do and think.....

however i am against people pirating massive amounts then selling copied games for a profit (just wanted to get that out of the way)

Why call it "piracy"? it sounds like a bad thing you know. I prefer to call it "friendly sharing". I agree with you 100%. I don't consider myself a big gamer and I have friends who buy most of them so why should I care about buying many games? I know I will still buy some games, but it's just like you say, some of us don't consider just any game worth our money.Now to some other people around here I ask: Is anything wrong with sharing? If I "enjoy the entertainment someone else created for free" A.K.A. "to borrow a game from a friend" Is there something wrong with that too?? I have lots of stuff borrowed from friends ages ago still in my house! books, movies, music cds, games. What's so different if I decided to copy one of those to keep it for the same time I would otherwise keep the originally borrowed one? it works the same. I wouldn't have bought the original or get to know about some people's work, and then I would definitely skip any other kind of work they'd produce. But sharing opened new horizons for me, created interest in many things I didn't know I liked. Could I become a fan of "Musician X" if I didn't listen anything of their music? and as a fan eventually SPEND MONEY buying stuff in a wide range of band parafernalia, and buy tickets for concerts/tours etc. it's possible as well as it's also possible I'll pass the word over and interest more people , some of which will definitely spend money on that kind of enterteinment in some way or another.

Some of you might say, "I borrow books 'cause they're no use to me once I've read them" well, what do you know, it's the same for MANY games for many people. They won't even get far into a game before they put it away and forget about it, so why even rent it? And while I'm at it, should renting be prohibited too? yeah you pay for a try of the game for a limited time, but what if there was a video-game club that offered you one-month rentals for the same price? then it wouldn't be profitable you say? HAH! Those people squeeze the hell out of a single copy of a game (and let's not mention movies) and you and me only pay what they ask for because we probably just want a single go at it and be done with it. But why would I rent movie/game X, if I know my friend can lend me his copy? Did my friend bought his copy 'cause he also wanted a single view/playthrough? most likely, he bought it because it's a piece of media he considered worth adding to his collection, if not he would've just rented it, no? People these days are so up in arms against "piracy" 'cause besides of it being very convenient, you just don't have to go out the door to get what you want anymore, this latter part if what really irks so-called anti-piracy advocates.

 A copy is just a copy, even if you don't have the original too. You DON'T get the same for your money, you don't get cool cases, cool printed material, cool labeled disc, and probably not even same durability, in the case of X360 games you even risk getting banned out of X-Live, not to mention you void your warranty (precious RROD warranty) when you open up the console in exchange for really cheap gaming. Sharing is free for anybody, and as long as I'm not making a profit of something that is not mine I don't see anything wrong with it. If people hate "pirates" so much then they should question themselves, if they really hate them because they (the "peers") get what they pay for and they're just jelous they are paying so much for things they don't really care about (cases, prints, labels and legal re-sale ability), if it's the latter they should really consider "borrowing" stuff from friends, 'cause they are pirates at heart or they shouldn't give a damn about how other people get their entertainment.