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Groucho said:

I'll be the first to say it: Microsoft.

I really dislike the policies they are trying to shove down user's throats as the norm... namely:

* Subscription fees for online
* Piecewise console sales (HDD, wireless network adaptor, controller recharge pack, HD-DVD addon, proprietary HDD, etc.), which add up fast.
* Low-quality hardware that's lucky to outlast its warranty, and that may damage your DVDs, games, etc.
* Lackluster backwards compatibility that requires purchasing the add-ons listed above to utilize.
* Heavy handed "theft" of cross-platform titles, turning them into 360 2nd-party exclusives, denying the consumer's right to choose which platform they prefer the title on.
* Limited 1st-party support.
* "Classic" ugly Microsoft user interface concepts (NXE).

Besides my issues with the controller, and the low-grade of the hardware (which is a major factor -- I want to be able to play games for a while after my warranty expires, if I treat my hardware well!) , the listed reasons are the main reasons I prefer my PS3, and wish Sony well.  

Microsoft sucks.  I would prefer they stay away from gaming -- they're only in the console market to protect their other interests, and that doesn't benefit the gamer in any way.  They don't even care about competing, and upping the gaming quality bar, as much as making sure the other guy can't compete with Windows.  Lame.
