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dsister44 said:
Groucho said:
Parasitic said:
Zomb1337 said:
dsister44 said:
i hate epic, y do u hate gamecock


You hate Epic?  Why?  Are you a PS3 fanboy?  Epic makes one of the most legendary FPS of all-time which is the Unreal Tournament series and now they make Gears of War which kicks ass also.


 I'd like you to point out a single thing that makes him a "PS3 fanboy".

The MS fans are getting pretty defensive here.....


I think I prodded them where it hurts, with the Ugly Truth stick.  That puts them in angry-mode.




im a xbox fanboy i hated my playstation 2 and i don plan on getting a ps3 i have gears 1 i didnt like it and i am constantly criticised for promoting viva pinata

I salute you as a gamer, then.  You like your choice of games, and you prefer the Microsoft console by choice, rather than inexperience.  I only dislike Microsoft because of their business practices, as I outlined above, and I believe their presense is damaging to the console industry, due to their unusual motivations.

You asked me where I work, but I can't tell you.  I can guarantee you've seen some of my work if you own any Microsoft console, however.  No I've never worked for MS.. not directly anyhow.  I like the design of the 360.  I dislike that it they released it years before the design was reliable (i.e. they used the public to test their hardware, while they got their foot in the HD door early), and that its only semi-functional, relative to the PS3, when it could have been so much more.

The PS3 is nice.  Can't really come up with anything bad to say about it, since I didn't mind the price (and I traded in an old PS2 and got $60 off in a great exchange), and PSN is pretty great (and free).  Shame that its not leading the HD race, and getting more exclusives, but mostly only because that allows MS to get ahead with their junk.  If Nintendo had a HD console, I'd probably like it, as well.  Nintendo makes good stuff.

I guess I'm a MS-unfanboy, rather than a Sony or Nintendo fanboy?  I actually really like my new Jasper 360 -- it doesn't seem anywhere near as clunky as my original 747.. I mean 360 did.  I do kinda miss the warm breeze from the fans though.