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Seriously, Wiitendo, I'm going to be honest.

You're annoying.

Stop with the worship of everything Firefox. It's a good browser, yes. It's widely used by most people who know something about computers, yes. That doesn't mean that it's the next YHWH. It's NOT the greatest thing since sliced bread, and it ISN'T the cure for cancer. It's just a simple. web. browser.

With that said, stop posting the same thing over and over and over again just to bump your stupid thread. It's annoying. Thanks to this thread and this thread alone, I have half a notion to find a way to block you.

As for my preference, I have IE7 (because it came with the system), Firefox, and Opera 9.23. I prefer Firefox for its malleability and how much you can customize it, but it's essentially no better a browser than Opera, and in many ways, Opera is superior. IE7 is a decent browser and can meet all essential needs, especially if you have your own system firewalls and virus protection. The other two browsers are definitely better (and NOT Microsoft, which is one of the biggest reason many people use them), but IE7 really is an okay browser. It's not a complete hunk of junk like people make it out to be. It's just... not that great.
