HideoK said:
I'm most looking forward to playing:
God of War III, Resident Evil 5, Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, and the Japanese demo of Final Fantasy XIII. I'm going to import Advent Children on blu-ray on April 16th just for the included demo.
To round out my top 10 I also can't wait for Bioshock 2, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2, Ratchet & Clank Future 2, Heavy Rain and Fight Night Round 4.
Quite a few GT5 fans here. That is one huge Playstation series that I never got into. I'm more of a high speed arcade-style Burnout/Need for Speed racing fan myself. Also surprised about all the Street Fighter 4 fans. I'll definitely be renting SF4 though.
For PSN I'm most looking forward to: Fat Princess. And the DLC I want the most is for Fallout 3. I really hope Bethesda makes it happen on ps3.
Forgot iam also looking forward to GoW 3 its my most anticipated game.
If this game has trophies i hope it dosent have one where u must beat the game on hardest mode beacuse that would take like forever.