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naznatips said:
Yojimbo said:
I wonder who is the biggest FF fan on this site. I have played trought and finished FF3,4,5,6,7,9,10,x-2 and 12. I have also played alot of FF1,FF8,F11 but they are too slow and boring. I really hope there is someone else that have finished more games then me.
Too bad that you did not see trought my sarcasm
Diomedes. I dont think that FF got worse but it took a new direction and that was really needed. I believe that FFXIII must be something new and fresh like FFVII and FFX were and I really hope it is.

Naznatips: You like FFIX maybe because it went old schoolish? And that is good for you because its great game. The thing is that we are seeing stuff from a different perspective you see Sonyfans bashing the old games I see Nintendofans bash the new games and Sonyfans bash the old games.

That's exactly why I like FFIX. I'm glad someone understands that what I liked was the oldschool style. It's not about the system, it's about the style of the game. Some people can't accept that there are those with different preferences about the FF series though, and they simply attribute my opinions to fanboyism.

I have played and finished:

FFI, FFII, FFIII, FFIV, FFV, FFVI, FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, FFX, FFX-2, FFXII, FFT, FFTA, FF:CC, and FF: Chocobo Tales. I am not even a big FF fan (anymore), I'm just a JRPG junkie lol. Personally, my 3 favorite RPG series currently are Pokemon, DQ, and KH.

I agree btw with kber that the game will probably sell 2.5-3 million worldwide.

 What I loved about FFIX was that every character felt very different and they didn't kinda 'overlap'. Take FFX for example; except for Yuna, every other character could learn the same magic, skills, attacks etc. I generally love playing with unique characters in my games.