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To be honest. I was a bit disapointed by the demo. And I'm a HUGE RE4 fan. It is one of my top games of all time. Maybe there just wasn't enough there? It doesn't help that the first mission felt like playing the opening town section of RE4 where a horde is after you and all you do is survive until they stop attacking you (in this case, a helicopter saves you). I'm a little torn by CO-OP. I don't really like the knife controls like others here but I don't mind having a different button for action then A as it makes sure you do what you want and not do something else while running by accident. The menu system isn't as good as 4 to me, I liked having to manage my weapons and item space. But I understand why it wouldn't work with CO-OP. The game not pausing for you to open your menu is frustrating at times but adds a tension to the game. What is weird is that I was more impressed with the demo of Fear 2. But at the same time, Fear 1 was unrememberable to me and I traded it in so I was expecting nothing from FEAR 2. I was however expecting everything from RE5. That being said, RE5 is still a first day buy and I'll probably just rent FEAR 2 as I don't see myself replaying it. After the demo it may be worth a buy though. And is it just me, or did the enemies in Fear 2 look like they were copied from MGS4's Frog unit? lol

PS3 Trophies