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I played the demo a little bit and do like it. The problem for me though is that I've played RE4 (GC and Wii) so many times, having beaten them both at least 10 times and played the hell out of Mercanaries (GC version) along with the extra side missions that I'm used to that style and gameplay. This game did seem sort of slow in parts related to the controls. Speaking of the controls, I didn't like them as much as even the GC version. I liked that the controls were simplified on the GC and now, it seems slightly complicated but again, it might be me being so used to RE4.

I didn't care for the second character aspect to it much. I liked doing my own thing for the most part in RE4. Even though her character seems to hold her own and does help out, I'd rather play by myself and have the level of challenge adjusted accordingly. I have mixed feelings but overall did like what I played and will play some more when I get the chance. I think the game looks and sounds great and looking forward to release date and buying this to play more.

I'll come up with something better eventually...