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You know what I love in the next Zelda..?

Fully orchestrated music! I think a game should either have MIDI music or orchestrated music, not a mish-mesh of the two.

Also some other ideas I've seen on other sites are..

Sky Battles. Link riding a dragon..
Items that are used more, not items that are used for just one dungeon.
A "less empty" overworld, one of the biggest gripes with TP was that the overworld was pretty empty..
A Zelda in which Zelda is a significant part of the plot or no Zelda at all. Another gripe with TP.
A combination of Epona-riding and sailing. Both can be quite fun if done the right way.
Pegasus Shoes in 3D.
More rememorable characters that are significant to the plot. Midna and Zant were the only one in TP supposively..
Harder Dungeons. Pretty self-explanatory.
More exploration. Zelda used to non-linear but now it's.. yeah..

Pixel Art can be fun.