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@ cdude1034, jlauro, souixan, GranTurismo, TheBigFatJ, and couchmonkey,

lol, how many of you guys actually read my post? The topic was nothing to do with when they will drop price, I made minor mention of the slight possibility of a drop in EU/Others sooner than expected since demand is lower there but other than that I focused solely on the impact a price drop could have and smart ways of implementing price drops.

Hell my opening line was this...

"Ok by now pretty much everyone understands that the Wii is not going to have a price drop until supply meets demand and stays that way for at least a month or more. "

Is it too much to ask you read at least the first paragraph before commenting? Not trying to be rude but I took the time to write the post so if you didn't take the time to read it could you at least not derail the thread please?

@HappySqurriel & DonWii,

Agreed, I actually mentioned the power of the bundles and potentially of offering some of interesting deals to 3rd party devs as a way of providing incentive for exclusives. I think we are at point where most newly started big projects are going to be forced to give serious consideration to the Wii, so when you pack in some nice incentives it could be a very strong combination. The whole idea is that the savings they would be providing to us right now in the form of a price cut could instead be used as a pool of cash to fund these incentive programs. And the nice thing about these incentive deals is that they don't have to be permanent so you can actually get the effect several times with different games before eventually dropping price and customers will have no problems with it since they are special deals.

To Each Man, Responsibility