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"new" gaming experience??

lol, I have had the Wii for 1 year and 4 months i played so many games on wii. The only games that had feel of new Gaming experience is Mario Galaxy and Lostwinds.

Wii balance board games has no "new" experience, games like skating, snowboarding, this has been done before on the arcades. I played a lot of them. Also thier was a boxing game that many people have played on the arcade that require to move around ( back,forth,side to side) you wear this really cool boxing gloves its also the best boxing game. If you think punch out wii is a new experience read the last sentence i said!! I'll give the link of those arcades games if i can find it.

Dont give me any argument about railshooting(with guns) games being "new" because its been done before.

Now with the Wii Motion + arriving the only new experience i see is the sword fighting.