gebx said: Would it be wrong to call those comments from Team Ninja Fanboy nonsense? |
Maybe Team Ninja are just lucky that they have proposed games that will sell well enough for their finance department to pass and not have a collective heart attack while hearing Mr Hayashi's pitch.
Then again, I'd like to see Team Ninja get the green light for their "It plays like Ninja Gaiden, but instead of a ninja you control Barbie - and you even get to ride on ponies while searching for Ken, her true love, and all this utilizing motion-capture with Catherine Zeta-Jones (dyed blond) acting as Barbie and Owen Wilson (with a nosejob - we pay for the surgery, cuz we don't look at budget constraints!!!111) acting as Ken, in full FMV glory" concept.
Fanboy may not be the right word. Delusional, perhaps!