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I have to disagree with 1, 4 and 5.

1: Future proof is nonsense in the hardware world. Already there are PC's more powerfull then the PS3. And when MS releases it's new console, you can bet your ass that they will pull past the PS3 (but probably barely and will be abel to launch it for just a wee bit higher in price then a PS3 by the time.)
A console will never be "future proof" in that many years.

4: Blu-ray: First of all they were damn lucky that it became the standard. Secondly, it needlesly drove up the cost with a drive slower then most dvd-playable devices.
Additionally, blu-ray players as a stand-alone device are already cheaper then a PS3. Why bother?

5: I buy a console to play games, as most people do. I don't care for added functionality, I want my games, nothing more, nothing less. Why care about a DVD drive if I can pick one up now for €20 which has a lot more functions?

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