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If Square wants to ride the Final Fantasy main series down the drain that's fine, but for the love of god stop raping FF7, I loved that game, why are you doing this to your game?! Was the slow period between FFX and FFXII really so unbearable for you that you had to default on spin-offs of the last game you could truly call an over-arching success?!

Advent Children - So-So Movie, pretty and some parts were really good, mostly it was slow though and others were a little too highschool fangirl drama-rific for my taste.

Dirge of Cerberus - I pray every night that someone was killed as punishment for this game or at least the ending.

The Cell Phone Games - Great, because we needed some of the most important parts of the story that never really needed to be told in the first place put into an impracticle game format that is by and large inaccessable to the western fanbase. Good going.

Crisis Core - Jury is still out but looking at how they've handled everything else that has been updated in FF7 it will most likely be a dissapointment.

The only things in these newer additions to FF7 that have remained intact are those Square is either too intimidated to change (sephiroth) or those they care too little about (Red-13, Cait Sith, etc) meanwhile everything else inbetween (Cloud, Tifa, etc) get a nice emo-rific overhaul. Hell there's not even an option for the original japanese dialouge so we're stuck with the five dollar english voice actors Square's regionalization seem so fond of using for the western releases. At least FF12 had good voice acting I suppose.

Face it, the only thing that has changed for the better in these newer editions to FF7 is the turks Reno and Rude.

Sign the Resident_Evil_5_Petition for a Wii release or Dark_Samus is going to come get you.