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Squilliam said:
Hmmm, I guess the best way to get a handle on how good the game is by comparing the sales of the closest rival which is Call of Duty 4 and if sales are lower but reviews are higher then one can call it a manipulated review process. If sales are higher but reviews are lower then the game was likely unfairly treated by critics. Because you see, theres a strong correlation between a high review and high sales between Metacritic and vgchartz.

I concede at this point that it is impossible to know for sure. But the standards for games have increased substantially this generation, what was once a shoe-in for a high score is now moving into also-ran territory.


Wow, you are the same guy that created a thread saying R1 was better than R2 and that the SALES proved it!

Let me tell you again:  sales may coincide with reviews sometimes, but strong sales of a game do not guarantee quality!  Everyone (I thought) knows that.  There are hundreds of examples of games that are highly rated and don't sell well and games that are lowly rated and sell great.  Please understand this.

Also, your choice to crusade against KZ2 is indeed an odd decision considering reviews come out this early for games all the time.  I've already given you many reasons for the early reviews, and there is nothing strange about it.