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i agree this guy is a nerd but i am quiet upset myself and since i already know pissant M$ will not hold this game as an exclusive for over a year if even that long.. what the nerd said is true SE will lose face in japan and may or may not be trusted again by the Japanese people dont forget they dont forgive easly.. and what he said about ppl not buying FF it might even come out to be true (in japan) since us N/Americans dont really know much about honor and face etc.. but since SE is nolonger Squaresoft i could care less if they died tbh.. i do hope they bankrupt in the near future because making SO4 an Xbox exclusive is just wrong.. and i am not saying to make it a ps3 exclusive either just let the people play it on whatever console can must the $ to buy the tittle made for em.. i belive that's fair dont you? it has nothing to do with fanboy or not i am just a gamer who would like to play the game who made POS SE what they are today on Playstation.