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A few comments:

1/ As long as anything is "static screens" only, its fake-able. Setup a camera, film GTA4 from the same angle - then switch over to the Wii, and photoshop other screens in. Pretty easy.

2/ Some of the screens looked a *lot* lower detail to me than GTA4 is - and that would be the telling point that its not a fake.

3/ The Wii has been out for ages, T2 has a Wii engine - and GTA was finished many, many months ago. If they can somehow port the engine to the Wii... its not a question of polish.

4/ I can't see any images that show a background level of detail that would be "impossible" on the Wii (lots of cars, lots of background).


Someone who is more familiar with GTA4:

Check out

Are the road corners as angular in GTA4 as they are in this image?


I still think its a fake, primarily because its unlikely T2 would allow images like this to get out. But... its not impossible. If anyone could pull this off, it would be T2 with the assistance of Ninty...


Gesta Non Verba

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