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Hus said:
Cryoakira said:
ioi said:
lenardo said:

i was expecting a drop yes. say around 50%


but not a plummet.


82% is a plummet.



It's a post-launch drop - no different really to what was expected. Typical weekly sales in the uk (aside from DS) are ~25k .


Yeah, but you're basing your figures on "typical" consoles. The PS3 is not typical.

While MS or Nintendo were counting on the 20 millions owners of their old gens for the launch of their Next Gen, Sony can count on 110 millions of PS2 owners. You would expect very high figures, not only the first WE, but also the next ones.


you are right its not typical, its a $600 console. 

and majority of those sales came later in the consoel life... not in the first year.

 PS owners did not rush to the store and buy a 100 million PS2 in the first year now did they.

They didn't buy 100 Million the first day, but in Europe the PS2 launched in late November 2000 and had sold 2.85 Million consoles by March 31st 2001; by the time the Gamecube launched in Japan on September of 2001 the PS2 had already sold 20 Million consoles worldwide.