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Barozi said:
cura said:
Neos said:
revenue = / = profit

ps3 games are most expensive etc etc

Their Wii section is the most profitable.

 we really don't know how big a difference their is to be honest. It's pure speculation to say that 'ps3 games are most expensive' without backing it up with evidence.  

Harder to develop = more expensive

In fact some PS3 games in many European stores are more expensive than 360 games.

(Example: Little Big Planet 72€ in Germany. Maximum for console games is usually 70€)


Why would they make Splinter Cell Conviction multiplat but not Haze ???? - No sense


Harder to develop doesn't necessarily mean it will cost more money. It's likely that studios share their resources when making multipatform games and subsequently it would be quite difficult to disentangle the costs of the the 360 version from the ps3 version. Regardless, my point was that if you are going to say 'ps3 games are most expensive' then at least provide evidence for such a bold statement.

At least here where I live multiplatform 360/ps3 games are always the same price. i.e. both RE5's are $119.95 RRP, both FEAR2's are $99.95 RRP and I could go on and on. LBP is an entirely different kettle of fish.

I didn't say that Splinter Cell conviction was going to be multiplatform did I? But I'd hedge my bets that it will turn out to be a ps3/360 game or a ps3/360/wii games because (a) the economic environment has changed over the past 6 months and (b) I don't think 3rd party exclusives are viable anymore - partly because of (a) and also because I think it would enable publishers to make more money off the game ^^. Granted I could be wrong but given that ubisoft have remained tight lipped about the title ever since it was revealed in 2005 apart from saying that the game is still being worked on makes me wonder if it has turned into a multiplatform game. Either way, if Ubisoft are considering to maximise their profits it would suggestible to turn splinter cell into a multiplatform game. But hey, THINK WHAT YOU LIKE!