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memory2zack said:
Vetteman94 said:
Riachu said:
Vetteman94 said:
richardhutnik said:
Vetteman94 said:
the only thing he had correct was the limited number of side quests for Fallout 3, There should have been 75-100 like Oblivion had. Other than that he was completely wrong.

Also not sure I get the point of whining about side quests in RPGs.  Isn't the focus of RPGs now to do stat building?  It is grinding through various tasks to level up.  It is goal-setting on crack for your character.  While having a wide variety is nice, is it essential?


Actually yes it is essential.  Otherwise why have it as a sandbox style RPG,  why not a game on rails like some of the FF games.  And if these games are merely stat building, why not just have a character training mode so you can reach the max level without doing a single mission. 


If they did that, gamers will needly complain about the linearity of the game.


But thats basically what you have with a lack of side quests.  


No, you do have side-quests just not a quest log. The 'game on rails' doesn´t fit. I don´t think it´s essential, a RPG can very well be built on the lack of needing grinding/stat-building side-quests.  Not that Fallout 3 can´t be beaten without those quests, since it´s a matter of good equipment and initial stats. I personally praise the lack of need of grinding. That and character development, characters with full-fledged personalities, a deep engaging story with good plot twists. A compelling combat is also a must, with a nice vast array of different enemies. Most RPGs don´t have these things this gen so far or haven´t developed these aspects enough.


I think you completely missed my point.   I dont want grinding, stat building side quests.   I just want more side quests, no where did I say they have to be stat building or grinding.  Like Oblivion, you could finish the main quest in about 20 hours or do all of the side quests and spend upwards of 200 hrs doing so.  The side quests had nothin to do with the main quest but they were there in case i wanted something else to do.   Thats what I was hoping to get with Fallout 3, good main story, tons of side quests.   But I got a decent story and a very limited number of side quests.  I got every trophy for the game and only spent 80 hours doing so.