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The most popular console will live the longest. No matter what the tech inside is.

If you see it that way. I interpret future proof as having the foundations for new features and functions and being competitive to newer technology for a long time. Yes the Wii is very successful but that doesn't help Wii owners to get better looking games or better media playback or better online functions ...
Winning the past generations was important because the winning console was getting all the good games. This gen the Wii wins but all the good games (at least for me) go to the PS3 or 360. And this doesn't seem to change. (besides japanese devs)

Look at the multimedia PC:s, how well they are doing.

That's because multimedia PCs are hard to use and esp. hard to setup. The PS3 on the other hand is as easy to use as a DVD player in some areas the XMB is much more user friendly than a video recorder. But sony still lots of integration to do. An iTunes like media store in every high-end TV and media player they sell and more integration between products would be amazing.