WiiGirl76 said: http://www.gamespot.com/wii/sports/mariostrikerscharged/news.html?sid=6166968&om_act=convert&om_clk=mostpop&tag=mostpop;title;2 http://wii.ign.com/articles/777/777886p1.html I hope this also means for the US and for myself the Japanese version and it would be great to compete to friends all over the World, just like with the DS. Does anyone know that perhaps? Or perhaps I'll buy a Pal WII as well Here's my code: 1086 2274 0820 3647 When others like to add me please send me a private message with your code as well. Thanks! |
You can't send a private message until the other person adds you as well.
Yeah, I finally have a sig.