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lenardo said:

fixed my math error, and is when you consider Japan's first 4 weeks

week1 87500 

 week 2 44000 50% drop

week 3 36000 another 18% drop

 week 4 32000 11% drop

week 5 49500 



what this shows is... most people that wanted a ps3 got it first weekend on britain  now to see if rest of europe has a similar drop...

 and see what the drop-if there is one- is  NEXT week.. i forsee that ps3 will be following the japan/usa trend of sales, which is not a good thing for the ps3 to be doing if they EVER want to catch the 360 or wii


True, but if you continue with these figures, it's a different story : 72 750, 80 000, 75250, 70 000, then it slow down to 30k then 20k.

Anyway, there was some figures release for France by Games for the first WE and it was... 6 000. Micromania, #1 retailers announced 20 000, and considering they add up to more than 50 % market shares, it's under the 60 000 for France (Sony was claimig 78 000).

And yeah, of course, it's still to early to analyze all this stuff.