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Nintendo did publish FF in America, but it didn't sell very well. FF saved their company because of the Japanese sales numbers. Sony on the other hand has helped FF become a gigantic franchise and that's when Square became a major player in North America. They may not owe anyone, but if the topic creator is determined to say they do, it would be Sony more than Nintendo.

No, I don't expect a third party to worship a console because they made money on it, but Sony DID help Square. There was also the stock thing that I mentioned which helped them out, but you ignored that point.

As for the CDs, yes it is a well know fact that Nintendo rejected the Playstation because they didn't want Sony taking a cut. However The PS add-on wasn't the N64. Nintendo could have used CDs for that if they wanted to, but opted not to. Most people claim it was because of Miyamoto wanting carts for Mario and Zelda, and since the entire console was riding on the success of Mario 64, It's not that far of a stretch to say he got what he wanted. Also, you used spong as a source? That's one of the least credible sites I've ever seen. All they do is report false info and confirm rumors as facts.

Now I don't recall saying Square employees should devote their lives to Sony like you seem to think I did. I'm just saying that Sony helped them out more than Nintendo. It really seems like you just wanted to start a fight for no real reason so you did, then try and act like you're above everyone with petty insults and the like.