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A 30 dollar price drop isnt big news ,still it will make things a bit easier for the handheld .It isnt selling bad at all ,but next to the DS it doesnt look good .


Why the people buy the DS is kind of odd .Yes we know there is the granny-girlie games as Brain Training and Nintendogs ,plus the hardcore nintendo games Mario ,Zelda ,Mario Kart ,Metroid and such .Still is difficult to avoid the fact that 80% of the software released for it is utter crap and very few great games comes along .This year it has only had Lunar Knights as a "good " title and now Puzzle Quest wich is worse than the PSP version ...we could mention also Prof Layton in Japan ,maybe .While it sold by the bucketloads and hadnt nearly any playable game (let alone a must buy ) in the last months the PSP has been selling OK at best all the while it has received games as Virtua Tennis 3 ,Puzzle Quest ,Call of Duty ,Afterburner Black Falcon ,Monster Hunter 2 ,Ratchet & Clank Size Matters ,PES 6 ,Sid Meier Pirates ,Metal Gear Solid PO ......really the arguing about the DS having "better games " doesnt hold any ground since a lot of time .