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Wow. It's confirmed. The Playstation 3 is the current leader this generation. Why? Because the Xbox 360 lacks longevity and the Wii isn't really a console. But wait! Because Playstation 2 is inside the Playstation 3, Gamecube is inside the Wii, Xbox is inside the Xbox 360, and Dreamcast is just a Playstation with better graphics (Playstation is inside the Playstation 2, which is inside the Playstation 3), the Playstation 3 is the leader of this generation, last generation, and every generation before because all previous consoles are obsolte. Also, the portables don't count, and PC is dead, so the Playstation 3 is the best selling console in the world, and it always will be. Why? Because the Playstation 3 is 4D and it will always be available for sale!