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There are three possibilities.

Recheck all of your fronts you may have a non gang affiliated hidden racket. Basically no gang affiliation means a racket can hide under your front, and be invisible on the map. You need to start systematically checking your fronts.

Make sure you have blown up all of Solozzos drug houses. Somehow you can go through the entire game without doing this. Since it is not a mission itself, but a general command. I think you have to do this the Godfather asked you to.

Make sure you finish every fight. Do not worry just pull out a gun and wax them if they are too hard. Call it cheap but it at the very least gets rid of those mission.

I will bet you have missed a drug house, and that is it. If not finish the fights by cheating, and if that does not do it check your fronts. That is all you should need. I assume you have knocked off all the icons. I do not think you need the executions, the money bags, or the banks. I got don without finishing the banks or grabbing all the bags. I sure as hell know you do not need the reels. Not sure if I did all the executions if I did it was purely unintentional.