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As I see it he is right in one point.

The Wii is on a different path bringing in alot of casual gamers who may have never played a videogame in their whole life.

While the 360 and Ps3 are going primarily after the same hardcore gaming fans which have probably been gaming since they were younger.

Rest assure though next generation of gaming is going to be interesting seing as these "casual gamers" probably will not be casual gaming anymore and might actually want to play more hardcore oriented games so they might shift over to the Ps4 or Xbox 720 lmao...unless Nintendo finds a way to appeal to hardcore gamers with support from 3rd party developers...I dont see that happening at the moment.

As for Ps3 sales...I feel that with a Price cut the Ps3 can and WILL catch up to the 360 maybe not this year but definitely in the years following...I know ALOT of people trading and selling their 360's for Ps3's...Im the opposite I want to buy a 360 again lol...just wating for it to be cheaper its not worth it at its price tag...this would be my 4th 360 :)