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In fairness he is partially correct. The Wii undoubtably has grown the market and I do not see the soccermoms doing Wii Fit, the retirement centers that put Wiis in for physical activity or the lapsed gamers brought back in, as having been likely to have ever bought a PS3.

But to pretend that the Wii has not impacted potential sales at all is disingenuous to be diplomatic, or lying through his teeth to be candid. I'm sure he knows the truth and I'm sure they have conducted research to know exactly how much each competitor has taken away sales. But what else is he going to say? "Hi stockholders, I'm sorry we so badly misjudged the market that we pretty much pissed away everything we made on the PS2 and nearly bankrupted the company."

Most people on this forum are probably way too young to remember Pogo Possum but it used to have wonderful quotes and the one that applies here is: "We've won a moral victory. That means we lost."