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steverhcp02 said:

it seems to me the biggest barrier here is people who own one console or another or who enjoy epeen arguments and debates just not understanding what theyre saying or reading.

The wii is innovative its advanced into its own market and expanded its userbase and demographics. To say in one breath the Wii is innovative and yet also remains in the same market as the PS3 and 360 is not only hipocritical but ridiculous. The wii has expanded and grown and reached dmeographics and the product itself is simply not in the same market as the console and videogame industry that we have all known.

the main problem in these "ZOMG sony is in denial" threads is people that are still stuck on "videogame market" as a constant. The PS3 and 360 have remained and cater to the original histrorical "market" and the wii has evolved what we have always viewed as a constant...controlle rin hand, pushing buttons on our couch shoot em or score points system.

Look, its ridiculous to say the wii doesnt play or sell videogames, but its just as ridiculous to not be able to understand WHY the wii is selling buttloads. Its seriously getting ridiculous that the majority of the people arguing for Hirai to shut up and ramining firm in the stance that the Wii competes with the PS3 DIRECTLY refuse to acknowledge the real variables at work.

its not denial, its not anger its not a 5 step process....the wii has expanded immensly how people VIEW videogames....because of this it cant be thrown in with tradition systems or systems that really only have one thing in common, putting a disc in a box and things showing up on screen. you cant just take one aspect that these things have in common and say theyre teh same because of this one thing.

People need to just understand its very simple. the HD consoles over higher resolution, video on demand, rental services, advanced audio, graphics and traitions control schemes. The variables and aspects of the Wii and 360 and PS3 literally have few things in common so i dont understand how people who are knowledgable about these systems can still argue theyre in the same market when theyre really not very similar in their functions.

They have some common variables but a far greater amount of things different....they simply cant be compared directly....

Nintendo has prospered BECAUSE of this, the wii has prospered BECAUSE of this. the reason its so successful is because it is different! why is this so hard to understand! it doesnt diminish what the system does or has accomplished, its not a stab at gaming its just simply different and created its own market. its a good thing for gods sake. its different.



 ok so what your saying is that since the ps3 can play bluerays and displays in HD then it is not in the same market. ok so it must not play videogames, surf the net, have avatars(aka mii's), have a friends network, play online, and my favorite have motion controls in their controller. hhmm seems to me i just proved you wrong. thanks for playing

dick cheney loves me, he wants to take me hunting


mkwii code- 1977-0565-0049