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i love how sony and their fanboys have all said nintendo isnt in teh same market. lets look at this for a second does both the wii and ps3 play video games?? yes do both have game controllers to play characters during these games?? yes are the same games on both systems more often then not?? yes do the systems hook up to your tv to play those games?? yes do they go after the same mighty dollar each and every second of the day?? yes just because the ps3 can display HD graphics doesnt mean its not in teh same market. to say the wii is geared toward a different group of people is just dumb.

the problem i have is look at last gen the ps2 was geared toward the casual audience. you knwo the same audience nintendo is geared toward this gen. and the ps2 was considered a game machine throught the entire time and was claimed the victor. now since the ps3 is actually geared toward the casuals as well the only difference is the casuals dont care. so if the wii isnt int eh same market then it is in the best market and the ps3 and xbox360 must be in a bad market. which isnt a good sign.

so if the ps3 isnt in teh same market as the wii then why do sony and their fanboys even talka bout nintendo and their fanboys? maybe its cause it is in the same market and they are all still in denial.

dick cheney loves me, he wants to take me hunting


mkwii code- 1977-0565-0049